Crowd-funding is becoming a bigger and bigger concept and conceivable way of raising money to create/make/help people move closer and closer to their dream. It’s definitely a much more popular way of raising money than even twelve months ago and more often than not, you have a conversation with an emerging filmmaker and they’re either …

End Of An Era
It’s with intense pride, relief and joy that I’m happy to announce that the With A Little Help From Our Friends DVDs have been posted (and hopefully most arrived by now)! They were posted out last week and I’ve had some people telling me that they’ve shown up on their doorsteps, which is really wonderful to …

Crowd-Funding Thoughts
In the past few weeks, crowdfunding has become a hot topic once again thanks to the success of the Veronica Mars Kickstarter campaign. It’s been a hotly debated subject – is crowdfunding now dead to indie creators as it’ll start to be taken over by bigger studios who want to get a bit of extra …
Post Production – The Long and Winding Road
It seems like it’s been awhile since there’s been an update on the film, but rest assured there is progress. The editing process is taking a little longer than imagined, due to people getting sick, people travelling abroad for work, getting new eyes onto the project… It’s now four months since we wrapped the shoot. …
Crowd-Funding: The Breakdown
I received a tweet a few days ago from Rachel on Twitter. She’s running an IndieGoGo campaign like we’ve been for With A Little Help From Our Friends and as we’ve managed to pull off such a successful campaign, she wondered if I could give her some tips. I want to start off by saying …
The Countdown: Two Days Until We Shoot
I believe that this is what is called ‘crunch time’. The last few days have been busy trying to slot everything in place at the last minute, as you have to on a shoot. We’ve gotten our (not £200) harddrives delivered, I’m making lists of things that I need to have on set (pieces of …

The Countdown: Five Days Until We Shoot
It’s Monday already? Gosh, where did last week go? We’ve been busy in the ‘With A Little Help From Our Friends’ production office (and by that, I mean we’re all working out of our respective bedrooms) and suddenly we’re five days out from shooting. This week is out last chance to get everything in place …
Video Blog!
With A Little Help From Our Friends – Video Blog 2 from Alli Parker on Vimeo. That’s all I have to say! We’ve hit our target and you guys all rock – but if we can cover even more, the film would be even more awesome! Spare some change for us? Check out the campaign …
Of Videos and Haunted Blinds
It’s been a week since the first rehearsal and all seems to be settling well. I have some ideas as to how to tackle the next rehearsal and the particular things I want to focus on with the actors in the second rehearsal the week before we shoot. Jamie, my DOP, is coming along too, …
Sorry for the radio silence over the past two weeks, but I’m back and ready to go! A quick update on where we’re at with the film: We’ve had to shift the shoot date by two weeks, due to a couple of little things popping up, so we are now not shooting until November. This …