Crowd-funding is becoming a bigger and bigger concept and conceivable way of raising money to create/make/help people move closer and closer to their dream. It’s definitely a much more popular way of raising money than even twelve months ago and more often than not, you have a conversation with an emerging filmmaker and they’re either …

Crowd-Funding Thoughts
In the past few weeks, crowdfunding has become a hot topic once again thanks to the success of the Veronica Mars Kickstarter campaign. It’s been a hotly debated subject – is crowdfunding now dead to indie creators as it’ll start to be taken over by bigger studios who want to get a bit of extra …
Crowd-Funding: The Breakdown
I received a tweet a few days ago from Rachel on Twitter. She’s running an IndieGoGo campaign like we’ve been for With A Little Help From Our Friends and as we’ve managed to pull off such a successful campaign, she wondered if I could give her some tips. I want to start off by saying …